About me SM4GGC
Born in 1953 and has worked with mobile communications and telecommunications since 1973. I was interested in ham radio early when I was 14-15 years old together with my younger brother SM6FGN. My brother learned CW rely fast so he did get his license for ham radio at 16 years age but I struggled some more years with CW before I could pass the test for ham radio.
In the mean time was I building radio equipment transmitters, receivers and antennas that my brother could operate from our parents house. First years was it for short wave but just when I was ready to pass my license for ham radio did I discover VHF 2 M and the thrill to make long distance QSO via tropo and aurora
When I got licensed 1973 was the plan to build a station at my parent’s summer house located at JO69XB with good take off and free horizon over lake Varnern perfect for VHF. At this time was there no electricity at the house so a gasoline generator was the solution. Antennas for 2 M was growing from 2x13 el, 4x12 el and to a 8 times 12 el NBS homemade yagis. I was active with MS and EME on 2 M until 1983.
There was a long time of QRT between 1983 to 2011. Since May 2011 are I on the air again and not surprised that many of the guys from 70-80'ts still is there. The thrill and excitement is still living for ham radio. The video to the right is recorded 2013 by TV4 in sweden
My QTH is now about 8 Km north of Karlstad centrums on a little hill called Skare mountain 75 M ASL (not much to montain hi hi). Well I have a some god take of to the south as lake Varnern is there within 10 Km.
I am using a Kenwood TS-2000 as main tranceiver that are modified with separate RX antenna connections. To get it stability on freqency the fan also can be sett to constant speed.
SDR-play RSPdx is used to spectrum viewing on 50, 144 and 432 MHz with the exelent software SDR Console Version 3.1
AFEDRY SDR AFE822 is used with Linrad 5.01 and MAP65 V3 for digital modes Q65 and JT65.
On 18 m Versatower antennas for 6m, 2m and 70cm
2m: 4x12 el. Preamp HA1YA SCP2. Pa italab1000 with about 800W at the antennas
70cm 4x26 el YU1CF, Preamp Khune MKU LNA 432A PA Italab palett in shack with about 450W at the antennas
6m 2X5 El and Preamp EME220 from Minikits Australia
On the roof of the house
70cm Vertical mount antennas 4x21 el Tona